Game Dev Notes #4 – Laser Defender

These are notes from the Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D Udemy Course

Input System


  • Go to windows -> Package manager
  • Maker sure you’re searching the "Unity Register" and not the current project
  • Search for "Input" and install it


  • On your player prefab, add a component and search for "Player Input"
  • Select Create Input Actions and save it.
  • In the new asset window, you can change things around.
  • On the player object, make sure the Input Action is assigned under "actions"
  • then select "Open Input Settings" and choose the option to create settings asset.
  • Create a new script for your object, then at the top, make sure to import the input system. using UnityEngine.InputSystem;

In the Script

You may have something like this:

public class Player : MonoBehaviour
    Vector2 rawInput;

    void Update()

    void OnMove( InputValue value )
        rawInput = value.Get<Vector2>();

OnMove is built in – Unity knows what this is because of the input system. You then need to get the Vector2, which is just the X and Y of wherever your object is at the moment.


Player input is then determined by the input system, and then that’s passed onto the components.

Moving with transform or velocity

Transform.position is a direct change in the object’s coordinates, so the player is like a god moving the object in the game world. By using rigidbody.velocity the game object has physics that interact with the game world and its physics; so, in this case, you’re changing its speed, not the object’s position directly.

We use Time.deltaTime only with transform and in the Update method only. Rigidbody members take care of the framerate-indepencency themselves.


Viewport space represents a noramlized position relative to the camera. For example, the bottom left of the view point is position 0,0 – bottom right is 1,0, etc.

ViewPortToWorldPoint is a method that converts a noramlized position on the screen to a 3D position in world space.

Scriptable Objects

The MonoBehaviour class is for scripts we want to assign to the Inspector of a game object. The ScriptableObject class is for scripts/classes of which we want to create objects in our Assets folder.


You can stop coroutiunes with StopCoroutine( name_of_coroutine );

To make this really simple, you could assign a coroutine to a variable of type coroutine.

Particle Effects

  • Add it to hierarchy. Right click -> Effects -> Particle System
  • Change all the values
  • You might want to make a material made up of a sprite sheet first, then change

Camera Shake

  • Create a script and add it to main camera.

Think of the camera as the center point of a circle with a radius of 1. We want the camera to move to any random position within the circle for a set duration. The shake magnitude tells you how large a shake.

A simple script:

    public void Play()
        StartCoroutine( Shake() );

    IEnumerator Shake()
        float elapsedTime = 0;
        while ( elapsedTime < shakeDuration )
            transform.position = initialPosition + (Vector3) Random.insideUnitCircle * shakeMagnitude;
            elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime;
            yield return new WaitForEndOfFrame();
        transform.position = initialPosition;

Watch this for more detail later:

Parallax Scrolling

  • Multiple image layers scrolling at different speeds
  • Gives an artificial sense of depth.

Sound Clips

  • Create empty game object called Audio Player
  • Add a new script
public class AudioPlayer : MonoBehaviour
    [SerializeField] AudioClip shootingClip;
    [SerializeField] [Range(0f, 1f)] float shootingVolume = 1f;

    public void PlayShootingClip()
        if( shootingClip != null )
            AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint( shootingClip, Camera.main.transform.position, shootingVolume );

You need three things:

  • Audio Listener: to "hear" the audio
  • Audio Source – to "play" the audio
  • Audio File – the "sounds" that gets played

Game UI

Health Slider

  • Right Click -> UI -> Canvas
  • Select "Replace with Unity Input System" in the EventSystem object
  • Change scaling to "Scale with Screen Size"
  • Right Click on Canvas -> UI -> Panel
  • You can use the anchor to make sure it stays where it’s supposed to be
  • Right Click -> UI _> Slider

using UnityEngine.UI; and using TMPro;

Singleton Patterns

  • When we need a single instance of something shared globally across the program.
  • Best to be avoided to reduce messing with global variables.

Singleton Example:

    private void Awake() {

    void ManageSingleton()
        int instanceCount = FindObjectsOfType( GetType() ).Length;
        if ( instanceCount > 1 )

DontDestoyOnLoad() is helpful for making sure things persist between scenes.


  • File -> Buld Settings
  • Player settings -> Resolution and Presentation -> Force the resolution to what you want


  • Make sure to go to Player Settings and disable the Compression Format under Publishing Settings
  • Make sure the resolution has the right aspect ratio you want.

And hey! Here it is: