I’m Playing Final Fantasy XIV – Part Two
A Realm Reborn is finished, but instead I muse on old game communities.
I’m Playing Final Fantasy XIV – Part One
In which we create a character, learn what a tank is, and get very intimate with a troll.
Game Design Meetup Recap – Lycanthropy
Your friend is bitten by a werewolf and you better help them find a cure before your playtest group breaks your game by finding infinite cure token loopholes after burying and then resurrecting occult leaders over and over again.
Ocarina of Time III/Majora’s Mask
I did it. After about three weeks of solid play, I’ve completed my first ever 3D Zelda game. It only took me damn near 25 years to do it. I won’t linger on it, because what else can be said about Ocarina of Time that hasn’t been discussed to death. But out of everything the game offered,…
Ocarina of Time II
After two weeks with Ocarina of Time, I can’t stop thinking about it. How? How could I have made it this far in my gaming career without playing this game? Mostly, I’m having a blast seeing how the game transforms the all-star formula of A Link to the Past into 3D. For all intents and purposes, this is…
Ocarina of Time I
I made it a full twenty-four years without playing a single Zelda game. This is through almost through no fault of my own. Like so many in my reviled generation, I shift the blame to my parents for purchasing me a Sony Playstation as my first console. I recently purchased a Nintendo 3DS to rectify…