Game Dev Notes #2 – Snowboarder
These are notes from the Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D Udemy Course Profiles Unity comes with lots of existing packages that contain default profiles. We can override them by going to assets -> create -> 2D -> Sprite Shape Profile. Then we can click and drag onto the Profile section in the inspector. That…
Game Dev Notes #1 – Race Car
These are notes from the Complete C# Unity Game Developer 2D Udemy Course Debug Debug.Log( “Message” );Debug message to console. Collision Add components: [Shape] Collider (2D) Play with the shape depending on what kind of collision feel you want. Rigid Body Turn gravity to 0 if this is not a platformer Add rigid bodies to…
The 2021 Gameological Not Just Game of the Year Awards
You know the drill – another year goes by and the world seems…exactly the same as it did before. The only escape is video games. Lots and lots of video games. As per the Unofficial Gameological Discord Server, here are my picks for 2021’s Gameological Not Just Game of the Year Awards.
So, You Like to Play Castlevania?
On retro gaming and save scumming. I had never played a Castlevania game before, so naturally I wanted to start at the beginning. I’m not like this with most series. Unless there’s a continuing story, a la Metal Gear Solid that I need to play all of the games to fully understand (“understand”), I usually…
The 2020 Gameological Not Just Game of the Year Awards
Following up on the tradition we started last year, the Unofficial Gameological Discord group has put together another year end list! Looking back on the blog, I only published one post this year, so even though I played a whole lot of games this year, I’ll let that say all I have to say about…
The Plate Has Collapsed
How Final Fantasy VII Helped Me Grieve This post contains some light spoilers for Final Fantasy VII Remake from Chapter 12 on. It was the end of May when I started this post, and the height of the COVID-19 pandemic in New York City. The streets were quiet, save for the passing of sirens at…
The 2019 Gameological Not Just Game of the Year Awards
Ah, 2019. You kind of sucked. I mean I guess you started okay, but around the halfway point you took a turn for the worse and I’m glad to see you go. But you know what’s always been good to me? Games. I played a lot of games this year. Read into my escapism however…
Rock of an Age
In the brief, halcyon days of peripheral based video games, one franchise shaped an entire generation’s musical tastes and knowledge. Sorry, I’m not talking about DDR.
Back to School
If you could go back and do high school over again, with your adult brain and all your precious adult knowledge and experiences intact, would you do it? Games let us do just this, at least for a little while.
Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines – RAICES Charity Stream
I’ll be streaming Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines with my pal Zack today at 4:00 PM EDT (1:00 PM PDT)! We’re raising money for RAICES, the Refugee and Information Center for Education and Legal Services. They’re a 501(c)(3) nonprofit agency that “promotes justice by providing free and low-cost legal services to underserved immigrant children, families, and…